Wednesday, May 04, 2005

University bosses wooing Londoners

UNIVERSITY of Manchester bosses, determined to break into the top 25 research-led universities in the world by 2015, have set up an office in London to keep locals aware of activities two hundred miles away.

It is one of several new attempts by University officials to convince prospective students to choose Manchester in the post-merger era while the students, and the administration, are trying to cope with the confusion that the merger has caused.

The office, situated in Covent Garden and operational since January, is primarily aimed at Londoners reluctant to move away due to their unwillingness to leave Capital City and lack of knowledge about venues and events outside of the city.

“There is a big wide world out there and London isn’t the be all and end all in Britain. We want to encourage London to come to Manchester,” commented Ian Haworth, manager of the London office.

According to the officials, the office will help people keep up to date about exciting things happening at University, as Manchester is one of the most vibrant cities in Britain.

“The City and University are going places” they tell Student Direct

© Faras Ghani 2005.

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