Saturday, March 05, 2005

Dubya and Blair: Mission Iran-Destruction

“Iran is a sponsor of terrorism and should realise it must not obstruct progress towards Middle East peace,” stated PM Tony Blair as he reflected upon George Bush’s platitude terming Iran “the world’s primary state sponsor of terror.”

2002; Afghanistan. 2003; Iraq. 2004; US Elections. 2005; Iran? Quite possible given the recent ‘victories’ on the battlefield as well as the ballot-field for the self-proclaimed world reformer, Mr Bush. Oh and there is the chance his devoted follower, Mr. Blair, would lend a helping hand, providing he gets a third term of course.

Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair are both confident Iran possesses the nuclear arms, based on intelligence reports and evidence, and is preparing to use them in a ‘not-so-friendly’ way.

Iranian officials, in turn, confirm that the nuclear power is aimed at generating electricity and had US claims and accusations termed baseless at the UN last November. Although Iran agreed to suspend uranium enrichment while the matter was resolved, US officials ‘wished’ for it to be terminated altogether.

The US has refused to rule out military action but will try to negotiate by diplomatic means.

A déjà vu perhaps of Iraq’s weapons-of-mass-destruction saga?

© Faras Ghani 2005

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